
Transductive utopias: The structural transformation of contemporary urban commons and public space

创建时间:  2023/04/16  李东鑫   浏览次数:   返回




Dr Manfredini is the Director of Architecture at the School of Architecture and Planning, Co-Director of the Urban Design Hub and Associate Professor of the University of Auckland. He holds professorial appointments in renowned Asian universities, is Associate Editor of the Journal of Public Space; and a Registered Architect and Urban Planner. Dr Manfredini studied at Politecnico di Milano, La Sapienza University, Rome, and Technical University, Berlin. His core expertise in comparative/conjunctural urbanism and critical architectural design focuses on the contemporary transformation of spatial production processes. Working at the intersection of architecture and urban design, his research integrates methods and practice that combine cultural approaches with digitally advanced components (e.g. big data analytics) in three complementary areas: (i) urban relational informatics - public space and translocal cities’ for the development of transdisciplinary conjunctural and comparative studies of fundamental social infrastructure, public space and urban commons of the multiscalar and recombinant “planetary urbanisation” age; (ii) co-creative design for the collaborative production of emergent spatialities in our progressively mediatised, translocalised and transcultural society through speculative approaches and X-reality methodologies; (iii) recombinant equitable, resilient and sustainable public space and commons for the implementation of multistakeholder incremental participatory processes of urban regeneration through post-typological political ecology frameworks. Manfredo’s leadership in research and teaching is widely recognised internationally. As an educator, he taught courses at globally leading tertiary institutions (e.g. Tsinghua University Beijing, Milan Technical University and The City University of New York). He gave lectures at leading global universities (e.g. the University of Stuttgart, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Parsons School of Design). As a researcher, he produced a large number of publications (100+ papers), was invited as an exhibitor at major international events (e.g., 2013 and 2019 Bi-City Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in Shenzhen and Hong Kong and 2017 Rome Biennale of Public Space), and delivered keynote talks at premier international conferences (e.g., 2021 ICADE, Tsinghua University, and 9th China Housing Congress). As a designer and planner, he worked on multiple scales and in different geographic areas, and received major awards, such as the first prize at the Venice Architecture Biennale. He worked as a consultant for preeminent public administrations, such as Lombardy Housing Agency, and private organisations, like LVMH, Christian Dior and Kenzo. Distinctive of both his academic and professional career is his co-creative collaborations with prominent educators and designers, such as Andrea Branzi (Archizoom), Mauro Staccioli (Brera Fine Arts College, Milan), Bruno Munari and Colin Fournier (The Bartlett – UCL and Archigram).

Manfredo Manfredini教授是建筑与规划学院建筑系主任、城市设计中心联合主任、奥克兰大学副教授。他在亚洲的著名大学担任教授职务,是《公共空间杂志》的副主编,是注册建筑师和城市规划师。Manfredo Manfredini教授曾就读于米兰理工大学、罗马拉萨皮恩扎大学和柏林技术大学。他在比较/结合城市主义和批判性建筑设计方面的核心专长集中在空间塑造过程的当代转型。在建筑与城市设计的交叉领域中,他的研究将文化方法与先进数字技术(如大数据分析)方法和实践相结合在以下三个互补领域中:




Manfredo Manfredini在研究和教学方面的领导地位在国际上得到了广泛认可。作为一名教育工作者,他在全球领先的高等院校(如北京清华大学、米兰工业大学和纽约城市大学)教授课程。他曾在全球顶尖大学(如斯图加特大学、香港中文大学和帕森斯设计学院)讲学。作为一名研究人员,他创作了大量出版物(100多篇论文),并应邀参加了重大国际活动(例如2013年和2019年深圳和香港建筑与城市双城双年展和2017年罗马公共空间双年展),并在重要国际会议(如2021 ICADE、清华大学和第九届中国住房大会)上发表了主题演讲。


他学术和职业生涯的独特之处在于他与著名的教育工作者和设计师共同创作合作,如Andrea Branzi(Archizoom工作室)、Mauro Staccioli(米兰布雷拉美术学院)、Bruno Munari和Colin Fournier(伦敦大学学院巴特莱特建筑学院)。


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